Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Book Review Desperate Dreams by Kim McMahill

Desperate Dreams: Deadly Exodus
Kim McMahill

c. 2012
Prism Book Group
ISBN: 978-0984764587

Price 3.99
Desperate Dreams

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Set in the scary near-future, Desperate Dreams is a dystopian story about a state-controlled society attempting to reduce crime and corruption by moral bankruptcy.

McMahill tells the story of four teens plotting to rebel against the odd strictures in their world, where a person is imprisoned for too much emotion and other inappropriate activities. Female dominance is normal, as males are sent to work camps. It’s a society where people long to escape—to Mexico, where the border patrol is brutal.

Nyla and Ruby manage a friendship with two farm workers, Ethan and Jason, in between mandatory school and career training. Life is dreary, but there is one coffee house in the small community where they can meet without causing too much suspicion. With the help of Nyla’s incarcerated mother, they come up with an escape plan.

Follow along as these friends work together to seize an opportunity for freedom from oppression. Each character, along with several secondary characters, has a voice in the book. Those readers who like stories like Future Shock and The Giver, will like this story.

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